Welcome - The links below provide helpful hints for undergraduate students of human medicine at the University of Ulm.
EKM University of Ulm - Tutorial "Introduction to clinical medicine"
Many thanks to all students of the winter semester for the active and interested participation in the seminar. On behalf of the other tutors I wish you lots of fun and success in your studies!
EKM - Organizational

The seminar EKM consists of two courses each: "Virtual Clinic" (VK) and "Problem-oriented Learning" or "Basic Anamnesis" (POL), which teaches basic clinical knowledge as well as clinical case studies, insights into diagnostics and therapy but also give elementary examination methods.
All four dates are either in the first or in the second semester in alternation with the events of clinical psychology.

In consultation with the presenter, the seminars can be held flexibly either in 2 x 45 minutes plus a 15-minute break, or in 90 minutes continuously.
For participation, the EKM booklet must be printed out (see adjacent link), in which the presence is confirmed by signature (module 5 and 6) by the respective speaker. After successful participation in all listed events, the booklet must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty.

(Pavilion II, Albert-Einstein-Allee 7, 89081 Ulm - Mailbox "EKM" after entering the building on the left) Map
EKM handout
WHEN? The exact dates depend on the student's code and can be determined via the timetable on Moodle. The beginning of the event is always sine tempore.

Timetables code A and code B:
Code A Code B
WHERE? For VK seminars the location usually is the EC Room at the bottom of the textbook collection (groups of 20 each) and for POL Seminars on the ground floor of O29 (rooms 2002, 2003) for Code A and in Rooms 4.181 and 6.181 of the surgical clinic (elevator on 4th or 6th floor and then along the corridor in the direction of the new tram line, at the very end on the right) for Code B each in groups of 10 students. Here is a link to the lecture hall finder of the University of Ulm.
All data is without guarantee, errors and changes are reserved. 
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